Leadership group

Leadership group members

The Alliance is guided by a leadership group, which includes the CEOs/Directors of the six community and voluntary sector infrastructure organisatons in South West London:  

It also includes six Chief Executives of local community and voluntary sector groups, one per borough, who bring expertise in mental health, children and young people, disabilities and long-term conditions, elderly people and workforce development.  


Simon Breeze - Chief Executive, Community Action Sutton

Simon took over Community Action Sutton in January 2021. Simon has worked in a wide range of roles including academia, education and the public sector.  Before joining them, he worked for Sutton Council as their lead for partnerships, diversity and the voluntary sector.  Simon works across all areas for Community Action Sutton, but has a particular interest in health inequalities.

Contact Simon: Simon@communityactionsutton.org.uk


Sarah Burns - Director of Communities, Croydon Voluntary Action 

Sarah is the strategic lead for the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector in the transformation of health and social care. Her core responsibilities include co-designing and implementing One Croydon’s Locality Operating Model, part of The King’s Fund Healthy Communities Together, moving power to local people and communities. 

Sarah engages local communities in co-producing services and activities that deliver transformational health outcomes by co-producing Local Action Plans, to achieve a borough-wide strategy for change. 

Sarah is enabling the VCSE sector across South West London to be an integral part of the Integrated Care Systems (ICS) governance and decision making, managing the VCSE Director post to build the alliance and governance structures, maximizing opportunities for the sector to work as an equal partner in the ICS.

Contact Sarah: sarah.burns@cvalive.org.uk


Sanja Djeric-Kane - CEO, Kingston Voluntary Action 

Sanja has volunteered and worked in the local voluntary sector for 12 years, in a variety of roles. These included managing training provision for Kingston Voluntary Action, and running two local organisations that support the most deprived members of the community. During her career in the voluntary sector in Kingston, she has successfully raised funds from the Big Lottery, BBC Children in Need, Tudor Trust, Esmee Fairbairn, Lloyds Bank Foundation and others, and partnered with pan-London organisations in successfully bidding for ESF and London Councils funds. 

Whilst working for Kingston Voluntary Action during 2009 - 2013, she particularly enjoyed contributing towards and witnessing the growth of many Kingston organisations through KVA's comprehensive training programme, capacity building of voluntary sector managers, the inception of Love Kingston, collaboration with Cranfield Trust and the introduction of the LocalGiving platform. 

Contact Sanja: sanja.djerickane@kva.org.uk


Jason Edgington - Chief Executive, Wandsworth Care Alliance

Jason joined Wandsworth Care Alliance in July 2006, taking on the role of Chief Executive. Over the past 17 years Jason has helped and supported Wandsworth Care Alliance become a successful and effective organisation that works with the local community and marginalised groups to influence local services.

Contact Jason: jason@wandcareall.org.uk


Tony Molloy - Chief Executive, Merton Connected 

Tony’s career focused on working within the social housing and regeneration settings within London for nearly 30 years. He became interested in working closely with the voluntary sector whilst managing residents social management organisations and realised the impact volunteers and resident board members had, not only when making financial decisions, but how they could apply their knowledge and understanding to creating better communities. “What fascinated me was local knowledge allowed faster, better outcomes for communities. Once I realised this, I was driven towards working with and championing the voluntary sector”.             

Tony has been the CEO at Merton Connected since March 2023. As well being a VCE they manage Merton Healthwatch and adult social prescribing in the borough.”

Contact Tony: tony@mertonconnected.co.uk


Bruno Meekings - Community Involvement Manager, Richmond CVS

Bruno has worked in the voluntary sector for over 25 years and has extensive experience in a range of capacities. In addition to his work in Richmond, this has included being the Voluntary Sector representative to the SW London CCG Board and a Board Member of Hammersmith and Fulham CCG.  He is committed to ensuring that change is driven  by engagement,  involvement and co-production.

Contact Bruno: brunom@richmondcvs.org.uk


Chas De Swiet - CEO, Sound Minds 

Chas joined Sound Minds as CEO in 2022. Chas is well known in the user/survivor movement both as an advocate around mental health issues and an arts professional. His previous roles include Disability Development Officer for the Arts Council (South East) and Head of Operations at Mental Health Media. He has also worked in arts and mental health roles for Core Arts and Creative Routes. Most recently he has been Executive Director of Filmpro. Chas has a parallel path as an artist, mainly working with sound and music. His musical progression has been from a classical violinist through to a world music and ambient DJ, and then on to playing in bands and producing music for film, dance, theatre and events.

Contact Chas: staff@soundminds.co.uk 


Cathy Maker - CEO, RUILS Charity 

Cathy oversees the services and projects that Ruils run and makes sure that they are delivering the services that their clients want and need. Cathy has been with Ruils in various roles for 16 years now and has been working with a team of trustees, staff and volunteers to develop services that support individuals to live the life of their choice. Cathy's background is in Health Psychology and she has worked in the private medical health sector, as well as being a recruitment consultant. She has two teenage boys and spends a lot of time ferrying them around or standing on the side of football and rugby pitches. She loves reading and walking and travelling to new places.

Contact Cathy: cathymaker@ruils.co.uk 


Sanjay Gulati - CEO, Age UK Croydon 

Sanjay has a wealth of experience in the not-for-profit sector in the UK, Canada and Ireland. He has worked with older people for more than 14 years, and has extensive experience across health, social care, housing and community services. 

Contact Sanjay: aukc@ageukcroydon.org.uk


Jason Lamont - CEO, Kingston Centre for Independent Living 

Jason has over twenty years of experience of multi-site operations across the South of England. He has a track record of business development and leadership, with an interest in growing and developing businesses. His track record includes having previously worked with a business for 14 years that transformed itself from a provider of care staff to a provider of regulated care services. 

Jason has been CEO of the charity KCIL since 2020. They support hundreds of disabled people across Kingston.

Contact Jason: Jason.Lamont@kcil.org.uk  


Anita Maullin – CEO, Volunteer Centre Sutton

Anita has volunteered and worked in the Voluntary Sector for over 20 years, taking the role as CEO of Volunteer Centre Sutton in 2017. Keen to build volunteering and develop community, previous roles include Head of Volunteering for Voluntary Services Overseas and Head of Community Services for Leonard Cheshire Disability.  Anita has a passion for supporting and developing people, including young people, organisations and addressing inequalities.   

Contact Anita: anitamaullin@vcsutton.org.uk 


Jackie Watkins, CEO - Tooting and Mitcham Community Sports Club Ltd

Tooting and Mitcham Community Sports Club Ltd was created by Jackie in 2011. It’s main objective is to allow all people regardless of religion, gender, socioeconomic background or ability to reach their true potential. Over the years we have introduced young people to different pathways widening their career opportunities not open to them before. Our YP have spoken at the Houses of Parliament at the APPG for Youth and visited the GLA for Mayors Questions. YP have a chance to grow into responsible adults with ambition, confidence and a feeling of self-worth in a safe and secure environment. Having so many of our YP pop back to mentor the next generation makes it so worthwhile and humbling.  

Contact Jackie: jackie@tmunited.org