Monday 13 May 2024
10:00 to 16:00

Superhighways' VCSS Camp is back!

This is a chance for us to get together in person and talk about the hot topics that impact our work at our CVSs, and how we can use digital and tech for smarter working and service delivery and to better support the thriving communities we work in.

You may be facing challenges using everyday technology and software, using social media to reach the right people, managing hybrid working environments or delivering online training or other services. You may simply want the time and space to connect and network with others in similar roles to you, e.g. community accounts, communications officers or capacity building leads.

This is an 'unconference', which means there is no set plan or agenda before the day starts. You call the topics you're interested in. We'll set up the rooms, and you and your colleagues can move freely and join in the conversations you have the most to contribute to and learn from. Don't worry if you have never been to an 'Unconference' before. We will explain everything you need to know at the start of the day.

This day is yours and we'd love as many of you as possible to be a part of the conversation so please share this information with any members of your team that you feel would enjoy and be inspired by this event.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day. Please let us know of any dietary requirements in your booking form under the question 'Please advise us of your support needs to access this session'.

Venue: Lift, 45 White Lion Street, London, N1. 

Book here:

Lift, 45 White Lion Street, London
N1 9PW
(view map)