Croydon: One Postcode


The COP project supports all young people to take the lead in challenging youth violence, using social action to bring them together around a programme of issue-based and personal development activities and developing this as a platform for relationship building between young people and the Metropolitan Police Service. It is funded by the Mayor of London's Young Londoner's Fund

The social action will provide a pathway to the next set of activities designed to generate involvement in the COP Advisory Group.  The Police work with our partners to begin a dialogue on how they can engage more effectively with young people, particularly in relation to crime and violence. The activities will bring together cohorts of young people to feed in their views and ideas initially via an online panel and other multi-media communications, and then to elected representatives attending meetings on their behalf.

The partners we have chosen to work with all focus on how to attract young people into positive lifestyles. They are run by young people that are engaging their peers not as service-users but as collaborators who share a passion for bringing young people together around music, fashion, poetry, sports or a business idea. Our delivery partners are: 


   City Bridge Trust logoMayoy of London logo