Fruit & Veg Made Simple, Heathfield

The 'fruit and veg made simple' project was started by a resident who is passionate about the importance of fruit and vegetables in the diet of families. This is based on her own personal experience, having a 5 year old who did not enjoy eating fruit or vegetables and was constantly ill  with coughs, colds and constipation. After a lot of research, she introduced fruit and vegetable supplements, which helped her child regain her health and become more healthy and active. She wants to share the importance of having fruit and vegetables as part of a healthy diet, especially for parents with young children to introduce fruits and vegetables to their diet from pregnancy. The project runs every Monday morning.

For more information contact our Best Start ABCD Community Builder, Stella at

Part of Best Start Services

Fruit and Veg


15:31, 21 Jun 2018 by Sara Milocco