Free Public Health Training: Croydon's Condom Distribution Scheme

Wednesday 14 January 2015
09:30 to 13:30


Who should attend? Anyone wanting to join the Croydon Condom Distribution Scheme (C-Card) and those already involved in condom distribution or sexual health promotion projects.  

Facilitator: Fred Semugera

Aim: To enable professionals to distribute condoms to young people as part of the Croydon Condom Distribution Scheme.

Objectives: On completion of the training participants will:

• Be able to administer the C-Card scheme according to the policy. • Have the opportunity to explore their own attitudes and values around sexual health issues.  • Have explored how to promote effective condom use and be confident in providing information about appropriate condoms to clients. • Feel more confident in working with young people on discussing issues relating to sexual activity. • Know about the range of health services available to clients in Croydon, including how to access emergency contraception, on-going contraception and STI services. • Have awareness of the legal implications and guidelines relating to working with young people.

                To apply please download the application form below and e-mail to

Public Health Croydon Training Form

Contact Croydon Public Health
Croydon Conference Centre, 5-9 Surrey Street
(view map)
Cost Free