Croydon Family Power Celebration Event

Thursday 26 March 2015
11:00 to 14:00

Croydon Family Power - three years on!

Croydon Family Power, the innovative partnership programme funded by the Big Lottery (Improving Future) and delivered in Croydon from 2012 by a range of local voluntary sector groups lead by Croydon Voluntary Action, is coming to an end in March this year.

The Croydon project was delivered by Off the Record, Croydon Drop In, Mencap Croydon, Home Start, Croydon Disability, Gingerbread Corner, Mind in Croydon and two national partners: Wave Trust and Nurture Development.
The partners are hoping to be able to extend the duration of the programme for the benefit of local families.

Please contact for more information.

Contact Aisha Bryant
To be announced
Cost Free