Heartstart - Emergency First Aid

Tuesday 23 June 2015
10:00 to 12:00

Have you ever thought about learning how to save someone’s life? Would you know what to do if someone suffered a cardiac arrest, heart attack or was choking?

This course, called Heartstart, is provided by St John's Ambulance.

The course lasts two hours and teaches basic life-support skills to enable you to give life-saving support until ambulance staff arrive. The course includes:

  • Possible causes of cardiac and respiratory arrest
  • What happens to the body during cardiac arrest
  • How to recognise and manage a heart attack
  • How to perform cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  • Putting someone into the recovery position
  • Treating major bleeding and adult choking
  • Defibrillator familiarisation.

Book through Eventbrite

Contact Ann Ferris
020 8653 0353
CVA Resource Centre
(view map)
Cost £10.00