Meet the Funder

Wednesday 01 July 2015
10:30 to 13:00

Our 'Meet the Funders' event provides access to funding information for community projects. Come along to meet representatives from Trust for London, National Churches Trust and London Catalyst. There will be a general session in the morning which will include ‘tips on writing successful bids and funding priorities’  It is an opportunity for groups to discuss their ideas with potential funders and collect a range of information about possible sources of grant aid.  The event also offers the groups an opportunity to meet and work together.

There will be a limited number of 1-2-1 sessions with the Funding Officers.  If you would like an appointment please complete the appropriate questionnaire and return to by 22nd June 2015.

National Churches Trust pre-questionnaire

London Catalyst pre-questionnaire

Trust for London pre-questionnaire

Trainer:  Bhupendra Solanki and Funding Officer

Book on Eventbrite

Contact Ima Miah
020 8253 7097
CVA Resource Centre
82 London Road
(view map)
Cost £5