CVSA: Putting the Voluntary and Community Sector at the Heart of Croydon's Transformation

Wednesday 21 March 2018
09:30 to 11:30

A special meeting of the CVSA (Croydon Voluntary Sector Alliance).

Councillors Tony Newman and Tim Pollard will speak to their 2018 election manifestos and then take questions from the floor. In order to ensure you have an opportunity to ask your question, please email with it no later than Friday 9 March 2018.

Transformation is the order of the day, not only when it comes to the redevelopment of Croydon’s town centre but also in relation to the borough-wide issues of health and social care, culture and social regeneration.

This year’s local government elections provide us with an opportunity to showcase the work of our sector and to ensure that voluntary and community organisations play a central role in shaping Croydon’s future.

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Contact CVA
CVA Resource Centre, 82 London Road
(view map)
Cost Free