Community Fund Tender: Information Session

Wednesday 19 June 2019
12:30 to 14:30

Croydon Council's tender for the Community Fund opens at the beginning of June 2019.  The Council intends to commission Voluntary Sector organisation to deliver services in the borough under the following 5 outcomes, identified in this year VS Strategy:

  1. People live long, healthy, happy and independent lives;
  2. Our children and young people thrive and reach their full potential;
  3. Access to homes and prevention of homelessness;
  4. Everyone feels safer in their streets, neighbourhood and home; and
  5. Everybody has the opportunity to work and build their career.

The tender is for bids over £15,000; successful bids will be allocated 3 years funding.

Come to this session to go through each outcome, the service specification and application form. Meet other providers interested in the same outcomes and start thinking about potential partnerships. 

Book here

Croydon Council is offering, in collaboration with local infrastructure organisations, a range of sessions for this particular commissioning opportunity (including sessions on Budgeting and sessions on how to navigate the Portal); you can see them at

CVA Resource Centre, 82 London Road
(view map)
Cost Free