L1-Safeguarding Young People

Tuesday 10 September 2019
09:30 to 14:30

We know our youth face particular challenges; online risks, peer on peer abuse, domestic abuse, neglect and more. As professionals we need to be aware of the current landscape to be able to identify vulnerabilities and intervene early to protect children and young people.

We understand it can be difficult to know exactly what you need to do, and have an overview about local and national guidance.

If you, or your organisation works with young people then you need to make sure you've got the right policies and procedures in place. Gain the safeguarding skills you need to act appropriately and confidently to protect the young people you work with.

This one day face-to-face training course will teach you how to recognise, respond, report, record and refer concerns.

Course content

In this classroom-based course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify what is meant by safeguarding and child protection
  • Name the categories of child abuse and neglect
  • Recognise the signs and indicators of possible abuse
  • Identify the relevant legislation and guidance that safeguards young people
  • Identify the barriers to children and adults reporting concerns
  • Know how to respond and report your concerns

Who's this course for?

This course is for anyone who works with children or families in their paid or voluntary work, the focus will be on the 10-18 year old age range

People who have taken this course include:

  • School staff
  • Mentors
  • Youth workers
  • Housing officers
  • Health and safety officers
  • People working in children’s leisure and entertainment, and religious organisations
  • Professionals and volunteers from commercial and community organisations

Each delegate will receive a certificate of attendance and a comprehensive hand-out

Trainer: Susan Taylor, Tailor Made Solutions

Book here now!

CVA Resource Centre, 82 London Road
(view map)
Cost £45-£55