Meet the Funder: Croydon Relief in Need (CRiN)

Wednesday 11 May 2022
11:00 to 12:00

This is an opportunity to meet Hilary Bell, Croydon Relief in Need (CRiN) Funding & Community Development Officer; learn about CRiN grant eligibility and what is available.

The CRiN grants committee have ranked their current priorities:

  • Older people (60 years and older) who are experiencing hardship;
  • Young people (up to 25 years old) who are experiencing hardship;
  • People living in the more deprived areas of the borough.

Projects that meet CRiN's first priority of supporting older people who are experiencing difficulties are invited to attend this meeting.

The CRiN 2022 application deadlines are 9:00 am 21st June 2022 and 9:00 am 20th September 2022.

If after this session you decide to apply to CRiN for a grant, there will be an opportunity for groups to meet Hilary to discuss their grant application in a 30 minute 1:1 session.

Book Here 

Contact Kay Rhodes
Cost Free