One Croydon Training: Social Presecribing of Arts and Culture Development Programme

Thursday 10 March 2022
10:00 to 12:00

Free training opportunity for social prescribers and link workers in Croydon, delivered by our partners, Performing Medicine.

Supported by Arts Council England, this modular course supports social prescribers and link workers to build an understanding of how arts and culture can play a key role in healthcare and social prescribing. 

In the first three 2-hour online modules, participants will explore how arts and culture can benefit our physical and mental health and be introduced to the work of artists and arts organisations in Croydon. We will focus on the self-care and wellbeing of social prescribing professionals, as well as honing verbal and non-verbal skills to support effective communication with colleagues, clients and the wider healthcare community. Most importantly, the programme will build confidence around starting conversations about the potential of arts and culture to improve health and wellbeing. 

The fourth and final module will be delivered as a networking day at Stanley Arts. In this event healthcare professionals, social prescribers, artists and arts organisations will come together to explore opportunities to build a cross-sector professional community, and co-create social prescribing offers that meet the needs of local communities. 

The content of this course has been informed by a pilot held in Southwark and Merton in Feb 2021. 

Other dates for online sessions: 17 & 24 March 2022.

In person session takes place on 31 March 2022.

To book please click here

Cost Free