Ask Procurement’ – Procurement surgery sessions for any Council related procurement questions (Croydon Council)

Tuesday 27 June 2023
15:00 to 16:00

This training is for Croydon VCSEs.

It's running on Tuesday 27th June 3-4pm (virtual via Teams, quarterly).

  • Please note: this session is intended for general questions regarding the Council’s procurement process and priorities, tender specific questions should be directed per tender via the Portal.

Training sessions may be recorded, they will be supplemented by an online toolkit on the Council website which will include how to guides, support notes, send a question box, links to other organisations and guides providing procurement support to VCSEs.

Registration for attendance at online sessions is essential. If you wish to register for any of these sessions, please email: with your organisation’s name and how many people would like to attend. We will then email you the meeting link for the session. Please register no later than 24 hours before the events.

Contact Annette Ahmad
Cost Free