Risk Identification in Domestic Abuse & MARAC (CSCP)
Thursday 07 September 2023
09:30 to 15:00
This Risk Identification in Domestic Abuse & MARAC Training is being by Croydon Safeguarding Children Partnership (CSCP).
This training will advance your understanding of domestic abuse risk identification, high risk and processes, and how to manage risk. Gain an understanding of the evidence base that informs the CAADA DASH, identification of risk, high risks factors for serious harm and homicide. You will also gain an understanding of the local MARAC arrangements.
Who is this training for:
- Front line professionals who work long-term with adults and families, and whose role would include completing risk assessment and submitting referrals to MARAC.
- Supervisors/managers who have a role in supporting staff to understand, identify and manage risk.
- Social workers, designated safeguarding leads, staff from front line health settings, family nurse partnership, police and family support workers.
To book: You can find out more and book here
Any questions: If you have any questions about this training, please email: cscptraining@croydon.gov.uk
Location: TBC
Cost | Free |