Mental Health Support for Adults in Croydon (One Croydon Training)

Tuesday 21 November 2023
10:30 to 12:30

Boost your confidence to support those with mental health problems.

Find out how you can help and know what Mental Health support there is for Croydon residents.  

We are delighted to have the following speakers to share at this online event.

  • SLaM Croydon, Community Health Team (CMHT): 'Mental Health Resources available in Croydon'.
  • SLaM Croydon, NHS Talking Therapies (IAPT): Talking Therapies options in Croydon 
  • Centre of change: Mental Health & the BME Community
  • Studio Upstairs

  • EMHIP Project, BME Forum

We also have local partners sharing service updates on the Mental Health Support they offer for adults in Croydon

  • Asian Resource Centre Croydon, Hear to talk project
  • Good Food Matters, The Men Shed Project
  • Mind in Croydon Counselling Service
  • Mind in Croydon Health & Wellbeing Space
  • Mind In Croydon Active Minds: Physical and Mental wellbeing
  • Mind in Croydon Recovery Space
  • Care to Listen 

This online session is part of our One Croydon Training programme, which is for Croydon's frontline workforce (statutory, health, and voluntary sector) colleagues working in Food Banks, Social Prescribers, Helpline Staff, Befrienders, Social Workers, and Employment Advisors.

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Contact Kay Rhodes
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