PowerPoint for beginners (Superhighways)

Thursday 19 October 2023
13:00 to 15:00

PowerPoint is standard, powerful slide show presentation software you can use to share information and data about the work of your small charity or community organisation to your many audiences.

Creating and giving presentations is a key skill for many roles. You may be asked to share a presentation at local networks and forums, with your local authority or health colleagues, or talk about your work at a fundraising event.

PowerPoint: Beginners is for staff and volunteers who need to give presentations in their everyday work, and do not know how to use PowerPoint. You will learn how navigate your way around PowerPoint, set up a basic presentation and give a slideshow using basic controls.

You can also book a 1:1 with the tutor after the training to complete your presentation and practice presenting.
This Digital Foundations Online training programme is funded by National Lottery Community Fund and works in partnership with Refugee Council, HEAR Human Rights and Equalities Network and Voice Online Communities CIC.
This training online is for small charities and community groups directly supporting and working with people in London. Priority is given to refugee and community or equalities organisations.
To book: Find out more and book your place here
Contact Sorrel Parsons, Digital Adviser & Training Manager, Superhighways
020 8255 8040
Cost Free