Key Principles in Responding to Sexual Violence: One Croydon Training (CVA)

Wednesday 26 June 2024
10:00 to 13:30

Explore best practice in working with sexual violence and how to respond to disclosures of sexual violence sensitively and appropriately.

‘In this 3-hour online workshop participants can expect to examine the myths and realities of sexual violence within a framework of violence against women and girls. Participants will develop an understanding of the law surrounding rape and sexual assault – with a focus on consent. Participants will be introduced to a model of best practice in working with sexual violence and will identify key principles in responding to disclosures of sexual violence.’

This training is aimed at Croydon's Frontline workers (Health, Statutory, and Voluntary Sector) and volunteers who have regular contact with service users/patients and their families, or carers in the London Borough of Croydon.

Places for this training are limited; if you find you are unable to attend this training please let us know as soon as possible so that we can release your ticket to others.

Zoom log-in details will be emailed two days before this event along with pre-session information.

Participants are asked to join from 15 minutes before the start time for initial registration, grounding, and technology check.

This online session will be locked 15 minutes after starting and further entry will not be allowed from this point.

To Book go to CVA Eventbrite Key Principles in Responding to sexual violence

Contact Kay Rhodes
Cost Free