Drive Lunch and Learn

Tuesday 17 September 2024
12:00 to 13:25

Topic:  Domestic abuse perpetrators' suicide: what do we know and how can we prevent it? Lunch and Learn session

Drive Speakers:  Dr Viv Bickham, Drive Practice Advisor and Luke Kendall, Drive Practice Advisor

Date:  17 September 2024 – 12pm– 1.30pm

Registration Link

Brief:  The prevalence of suicide within domestic abuse perpetrators is an under-researched phenomenon. 

Drive and the University of Bristol have embarked on the first study of its kind, exploring suicide rates in the high-harm, high-risk domestic abuse perpetrator cohort. 

Within this session, findings of this study will be presented. In response to this issue, Drive has created an evidence-informed suicide prevention practice guidance – which will also be discussed.