Parental mental health - impact on adults and children (LSCP)

Wednesday 16 October 2024
09:30 to 11:00

Focusing on issues related to parents experiencing mental illness and the impact on carers, parenting capacity, and children's development.

This session aims to improve awareness of experiences of different types of mental distress which affects parents and children's development and wellbeing.


  • Identify triggers to parental emotional distress e.g. physical illness, trauma, environmental factors, and conflicts affecting parents and children

  • Discuss the prevalence and impact of depression and other mental disorders including personality disorders and other dual diagnoses on adults, parenting, and safeguarding concerns

  • Discuss the impact of mental illness on children and young people's cognitive, emotional, and social development

  • Understand the role of culture, ethnicity, spirituality, and gender in the presentation of parental mental illness and its impact on parents and children

  • Identify effective policies and strategies that can be implemented across disciplines and agencies to improve services to children and families affected by parental mental illness

  • Explore local and other holistic interventions for parents and children affected by mental health issues from a multi-agency and disciplinary perspective

The session will be led by Marcia Rice.

To book


Contact London Safeguarding Children Partnership
Cost Free