Working with minority faith communities (London Safeguarding Children Partnerhip)

Tuesday 25 February 2025
12:00 to 13:30

Explore core beliefs and cultural practices of Hindus, Muslims, Jews, and Sikhs, and discuss sensitivities around language.

This session will consider key elements to be aware of when working with members of the UK’s main minority faith communities - Hindus, Muslims, Jews, and Sikhs.

Training objectives

  • Understand how a person’s faith impacts on their life: what they believe, what they do and the community they belong to
  • Distinguish between believing and belonging, and how these two elements impact on our experiences and interactions
  • Explore the core beliefs and common cultural practices of these faith traditions, while emphasising the diversity within each community
  • Address the common concern people express when interacting with other faith and cultural groups of wanting to avoid causing unintentional offense or embarrassment
  • Explore common areas of sensitivity around language and physical contact between genders


This session will be led by Jamie Spurway of Interfaith Scotland.

Register here


Contact London Safeguarding Children Partnership
Cost Free