Disabilities Benefits (SWLLC)

Friday 18 October 2024
12:00 to 13:00

This webinar with Roni Marsh at South West London Law Centres for those considering claiming disability benefits but want more information .  It will cover the following benefits:

  • Disability Living Allowance for up to age 16
  • Personal Independence Payment for working age
  • Attendance Allowance for those who are retired

It will look at whether you should be claiming disability benefits, how they work and the problems you may find with making a claim. As well as including information on the three main disability benefits and the criteria for claiming them, it will explain what you need to consider when filling in your application form, such as important phrases you should include (e.g. ‘repeatedly’, ‘safely’, ‘to an acceptable standard’ and ‘in a reasonable time’) and how to get more information and help if you don’t feel confident completing it on your own. 

Also covered are how decision makers go about considering an application form, the criteria they use for each of the benefits, and what to do if not awarded the benefit. 

Next Disability Benefits webinar:
Wednesday 16th October 12pm. Register HERE.

Email: enquiries@swllc.org 

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