Contextual Safeugarding and Trauma-Informed Approaches

Friday 27 November 2020
10:00 to 13:00

Following this course, a series of courses that PYL have delivered on trauma-informed approaches, and the training session on Contextual Safeguarding, there will be an opportunity to join a Community of Practice. We are linking these two approaches to safeguarding and supporting adolescents who have experienced abuse outside the family: they are emerging areas of research and practice and can offer us an innovative framework in which to work. This is coordinated by Safer London and Partnership for Young London and supported by the Contextual Safeguarding Network. The Community of Practice will focus on the next steps of utilising and embedding a Trauma-Informed Approach and a Contextual Safeguarding Approach in your work. We will explore the various challenges we face and how we are solving them; and what new learning and understanding we are gaining as we work with these approaches?

Find out more here

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Cost Free