Rising Youth Crime Reflects Wider Societal Problems

In a recent article published by the Guardian, Catherine West, MP, calls on a special fund for children at risk of school exclusion while Steve Phaure, CEO at CVA, says community responses are the best way to protect young people at risk.

Steve: "The Home Office consultations on serious youth violence highlight police powers to stop and search, and call on public sector bodies to step up their duty of care in safeguarding young people (Teachers could have to report knife fears, 1 April). But if tackling the root causes of knife crime remains the priority, it’s time to invest in community responses – from the smallest neighbourhood activities to the specialist voluntary sector services – as the surest way of surrounding young people at risk, and their parents, with support structures that listen to their experiences, speak to their needs and act on what works for them."

Read the rest of the article, including letters by Don MacdonaldChair, LFJ Youth Integration, Norma Hornby, from Warrington Cheshire, and join the debate, by clicking on the link below.

