Ment4 Activities

When a Child goes Missing

Ment4 have launched a flyer for widespread distribution to give information to the community for when a child goes missing. This has been taken up by Croydon University Hospital, YOS Gangs team, Youth Inclusion Team, Methodist Churches and Christian Youth Workers Group. The Community Police team are also aware and have been involved in the writing of it, as are CCSB. The outcome is that this has been an awareness exercise that has brought VCS and Council together and it is making the community more aware.
Download here

'Croydon's Ye is Different' Film

The above film 'Croydon's Ye Is Different' is the first of a series of You Tube films aimed directly at young people, to encourage a positive message.  It has  already been distributed by Croydon Council Chief Exec, Jo Negrini and Sarah Jones MP and is being widely spread by young people themselves. We are talking with the YOS Gangs Team to use their knowledge of youth crime and gangs linked to social media. The Youth Crime Prevention Board have seen this film and it has caused some to consider also focusing on the benefits of positive messages. The outcome is that Croydon's young people are beginning to feel more positive toward their town, and this is countering the negativity and emotional media stories that cause fear and knife crime. The film is here:

Ment4 Partnership Work

Ment4 are partnering with Play Place, Jubilee Parenting and Walk With Me as a unique support team for Croydon teenagers vulnerable to exploitation and to the parents and siblings of those actually caught in exploitation. The outcome will shortly be employment skills training, specialised mentoring, and parent advice, guidance and training lifting young people and their families out of crime and anti-social behaviour and into employment and education.

Ment4 have also participated actively in the Vulnerable Adolescent Thematic Review and have worked to reinforce a VCS / Council joint working. The outcome is that professionals are now better informed of the issues and the steps needed to be taken to help families of vulnerable young people.