About CVA Active Communities Hub
Wherever possible activities need to be free or heavily subsidised for participants in our target groups.
Target groups include:
- Women and girls, particularly those that are inactive or facing other barriers to participation.
- Older people, including those with health conditions or experiencing social isolation and loneliness
- Sessions targeting refugees, asylum seekers and those from new communities
- Young people, linked to positive wrap around support aimed at increasing life skills. Targeting young people who are vulnerable as both victims and potential perpetrators of crime and youth violence
- Sessions for those experiencing poor mental health.
Opening Times: The Centre is open 7 days a week. Meeting rooms are available from 9am - 6pm Monday-Saturday; 10-5pm on Sundays.
For more information and to book rooms: Please contact bookings@cvalive.org.uk
Where we are
Unit LS6a, Upper Mall, Centrale Shopping Centre
Trains: East/West Croydon
Buses: To Centrale Shopping Centre, West Croydon and Reeves Corner
Parking: Centrale Car Park - Charges inccur