Neela - Admin and Database Volunteer


Volunteer Database Administrator at Volunteer Centre Croydon

At Volunteer Centre Croydon, one of the key roles is the Database Administrator is to ensure information accross our various platforms is upto date. The volunteers who assist in this role are key to the smooth running of the volunteer centre and and help manage the day to day running of the volunteer centre. 

One such volunteer is Neela who has been volunteering with us for just 14 months. Here's her story!

Neela's Story

Since I had some spare time I decided volunteering is the best way to make a start so I could build up my confidence and meet people as well as moving into employment.

Volunteering has made a huge impact on my life in a very positive way. I was recovering from a long-term illness with CFS which has taken away my energy, concentration and confidence. However, I have followed all treatment available and recovered but sometimes it has still affected me in different ways. So, while recovering, I started to feel like I needed to do something and move on. I started to help in a Food Bank to see how much I can do but after couple of months I felt I needed something more interesting and where I could learn, as well as meet people.

NeelaAs I was looking at admin volunteering I thought of CVA where I had volunteered in the past. But I had to leave soon due to getting into employment because of their help. I came across the Database Admin Volunteer role advertised so I thought let me try. After applying which was easy, I received a call and was asked to come in for an interview. I was a bit anxious to go for an interview thinking I will not be able to do it. However, I was happy to meet Mary, Karen and Sandy as I did know them briefly from before.

I started to volunteer on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and I was finding it a bit hard to start with working on computers and learning new things. I was asking lots of questions and I persevered for I wanted to learn and quickly felt that I was achieving something. Mary and Katie were very helpful and supported me throughout my time. I met a lot of lovely people and I also learnt how to speak to all different types of visitors who would come to the centre. I have enjoyed every minute of my time volunteering with CVA and if needed I will go back in the future. I have also enjoyed the Christmas wrapping period as it was the busiest time and lots to do.

Now that I feel I am able to go back to work, I am ready to move on into employment once again. They have equipped me with various office and people skills to be able to transfer this into a new work environment. I highly recommend that if you are thinking of volunteering CVA is the right place to learn and develop your skills.

When we asked Neela to describe her volunteering experience in 3 statements she said:

I loved volunteering and will do it again

Volunteering has helped increase my confidence 

Volunteering has supported my mental wellbeing 



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