Vimalesh Singh - Simply Connect Administrator

Vimalesh Singh 

Simply Connect Administrators at CVA

As a Simply Connect Admin not only do they keep our Social Prescribing Directory up to date, they carry out research to ensure that individuals in Croydon find the service and/or activity they are looking for. Administrators who volunteer on this project check the breadth of Croydon for key services to be listed.

Vim's Story

I joined CVA through the We Stand Project in February 2022, I was an Asylum seeker back then. I played Cricket and football and participated in multisport sessions through this project. It helped me to cope with the stress, mental health and physical health as well.

Vim PartyI managed to get a volunteering role at CVA’s Volunteer Centre. I volunteered over 700 hours, which allowed me to gain some work experience, and meet and connect to different people. I met a career adviser through CVA’s Refugee Volunteering program and I also managed to secure a full-time job with the help of that career adviser after receiving my Refugee status.

Meanwhile, CVA also offered me to work with them for a few months upon getting my work permit. My journey with CVA has been amazing and CVA has been very supportive throughout. CVA’s support is very important for people like me who are trying to rebuild their lives again in the UK.

I hope CVA will continue the good work and keep supporting those who need help. I’m very thankful for CVA’s support and help. 

Vims' Highlights

  • Multi Sports Volunteer
  • Simply Connect Administrator
  • Christmas Wrap Volunteer

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