Making Every Contact Count (MECC)

Our Making Every Contact Count project, initiated as a pilot in 2013 and funded by the Croydon Clinical Commissioning Group, works in New Addington and Fieldway on health assets: any factors or resources which enhance the ability of individuals, communities and populations to maintain, sustain and/or improve health and well-being.



ABCD encapsulates a set of values and principles that:

  • identify and make visible the health-enhancing assets in a community
  • sees citizens and communities as the co-producers of health and well-being, rather than the recipients of services
  • promotes community networks, relationships and friendships that can provide mutual care, mutual help and empowerment
  • identifies that which has the potential to improve health and well-being
  • supports individuals’ health and well-being through improving self-esteem, coping strategies, resilience, relationships and knowledge
  • empower communities to control their futures and create tangible resources such as community-owned services

By sustaining the MECC-ABCD project, the CCG has enabled CVA to bring about positive cultural and behavioural change around health and wellbeing in Croydon’s most deprived areas, as well as developing additional preventative projects addressing priorities such as social isolation and digital inclusion. Please contact for more information.


Join us for a walkabout in New Addington and Fieldway's neighbourhood!