Croydon CCG BME Grassroots Mental Health: Designing the Future Together

Thursday 06 June 2019
13:00 to 16:00

A follow-on workshop to discuss One Croydon* ambitions for adult mental health services in Croydon. This workshop follows on from the two BME Grassroots mental health event in July and November 2018. 

At the July workshop NHS CCG learned about lived experiences of our mental health services for minority communities. This has influenced the redesign of local mental health services. At Novembers workshop NHS CCG talked to you about the new models of mental health services you had helped to develop. 

At this workshop NHS CCG want to come together with you to continue the journey and start co-designing how we are going to deliver these new models in the community. 

They need your help to get it right - if you are a Croydon mental health service user, resident, carer, volunteer or work in the Community and Voluntary sector support people using local mental health services please come along. 

 Lunch will be provided.

Please click here to register

*One Croydon is a partnership between the local NHS, Croydon Council and Age UK Croydon and are focused on improving the health and wellbeing of people of all ages in the borough.

Contact NHS Croydon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
CVA Resource Centre, 82 London Road
(view map)
Cost Free