Funding for VS groups to champion COVID vaccine


Croydon Voluntary Action and the other three Council's recognised infrastructure organisations (Croydon Voluntary Action, BME Forum, ARCC and CNCA) have in the region of £74,000 each to distribute to local community groups, as part of the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities COVID vaccine champions small grant fund. 

Aim of the Fund

This grant wants to increase positive conversations about the COVID19 vaccine in Croydon communities with a low uptake and encourage residents to receive their vaccination, whether it's their first/second or third dose. We know there are many existing hubs in communities across Croydon already attracting, on a daily or weekly basis, hundreds of local residents and we think this is where conversations should take place!

Apply for up to £15,000 by the 25th March 2022. Find out more here.