Finding Volunteers

Register with us so we can help you find the right volunteers for your roles

Register with us and we will use our resources to help you find the right volunteers for your roles. 

When you provide us with information about the volunteer roles you are recruiting for we add them to our volunteering website

We also like to meet or at least chat on the phone to ensure volunteers will be joining a safe, well-managed project. The more we know about your work and your priorities the more we can help you. 

We’ll provide information, training and support through our Volunteering Good Practice project, which includes one-to-one advice, Volunteer Co-ordinator forums and our Volunteer Development Toolkit. 

There are two ways to register with us and add volunteering roles. We can manage the process and send you details of potential volunteers or you can sign up and manage your organisations profile. Select which one you would rather below.

If you are interested in managing your organisations profile please read our help notes here which offer some guidance on how to use the system

Manage your own profile button


CVA do the work button


Just some of the ways we help you find volunteers: 

  • Discuss in person your volunteering program and the requirements for your project if you are registering for the first time 
  • Upload details of volunteering opportunities to Volunteer Connect, which are then available to the public 
  • List your opportunity on our social media accounts X, Facebook and Instagram
  • Offer you the Volunteer Shop in the Centrale Shopping Centre to hold recruitment events 
  • Add your opportunity to our e-bulletin which is sent on a fortnightly basis to potential volunteers on a regular basis 
  • Hold 1-2-1 interviews with potential volunteers who we will inform about your role, if suitable
  • Advise potential volunteers on which opportunities might be suitable for them, by matching their interests/skills with role requirements 
  • Book out our shop window. We offer our shop window (in Centrale Shopping Centre) FREE of charge for 2 weeks, to organisations that are recruiting volunteers. This provides organsiations with the chance to promote their organisation, activities/services provided and volunteering. If you would like to book the shop window please see guidance HERE and send an email to requesting details of the next available date