CCG Commissioning
The Croydon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is defining its commissioning intentions, setting up the continuation of a number of transformation programmes with a range of partners which focuses on focus integration. In terms of service redesign, intentions are mapped out under Care Settings (incl prevention and community care) and Care Pathway/disease group (incl. older people, end of life, children, young people and maternity, mental health, learning disabilities). In terms of contracting approach, the CCG gave formal notice to radically chance contracting arrangements for services for older people in Croydon. It intends to sign 10-year contracts with an Accountable Provider Alliance (consisting of Age UK Croydon, Croydon Council Social Care, Croydon Health Services NHS Trust, GP Federation, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust) to deliver health and social services for older people under an outcomes and capitation based contracts. The APA will manage resources more preventatively and is expected to also sub-contract to achieve this.
Sexual Health Services
Commissioners and providers working together, lead by the Sexual Health transformation Board, are working to move from hospital to community based services (for at least 50% of patients seen at present) in a move to a redesign of Sexual Health services.
Urgent Care Services Review
Croydon Commissioning Group is reviewing its Urgent Care Services, which include at present a Urgent Care Centre, Minor Injury Units, a Walk in Centre and GP out of hours. Urgent and emergency care use has decreased overall and in most wards. Annually there are about 60,000 calls to 111 service from Croydon residents. Use of urgent care is linked to areas of deprivation. Pharmacies and GP practices are concentrated in the north of the borough. CCG wants to meet local urgent care needs, extended services - not reduced ones, improve accessibility of services, promote prevention and self care. Three options have been put forward, with Option 1 being the preferred one (by the CCG): three GP hubs, in the vicinity of existing services, open 8 am to 8 pm, 365 days a year, offering walk in facilities as well as bootable appointments. The Governing Body will provide its decision on final model in February 2016. The procurement process should take place between January and March 201. The services to be awarded in April 2016 with new services to commence in April 2017. For information on how to have a say
Key findings on Maternal Health in Croydon
Maternal health refers to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Findings of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) on Maternal Health (2014-15) show a number of key challenges to improve outcomes for maternal and infant health in the borough:
- A quarter of mothers book relatively late their first antenatal booking;
- Percentage of mothers smoking in pregnancy and proportion of low birth weight babies has increased slightly if compared to London;
- 13% of women attending their first antenatal booking have little or no understanding of the English language and nearly two thirds of women are subject to deprivation;
- The birth rate for 15-17 year olds has increased;
- Half of women having their babies at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust are overweight, obese or morbidly obese and 5% are diabetic;
Five key recommendations for commissioners were put forward including the integration with Best Start to provide seamless services for mothers with complex needs.