The Safer Croydon Partnership covers community safety. It acts as the statutory Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP) for Croydon, as stipulated by the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.
The Partnership includes five strategic Programme Boards with voluntary and community sector representation. Each Programme Board, or Sub Group, is expected to have an evidence-based action plan and to monitor progress against actions identified, as well as a scrutinising and monitoring role, and will report to the main Board. The five programme boards cover:
- Anti-Social Behaviour and Environmental Crime
- Confidence & Community Engagement
- Domestic and Sexual Violence
- Offender Management
- Youth Crime & Safety
Meet the elected Board Members for the Safer Croydon Partnership Sub Groups 2021-23.
Click on any of the tabs below to view each individual.
"I continue to manage referrals for Croydon Community Mediation as a freelance worker dealing with neighbour disputes. I am a trained Bereavement Support volunteer and Chair for Friends of King’s Wood. Since the recent Covid restrictions we have seen a great increase in the use of our local open spaces. I have been pleased to have more time available to pursue my interest in nature and become more involved with other conservation groups. Our open spaces are now valued more than ever and I look forward to further involvement with these groups."
Status: Subgroup currently not meeting
Email - Pam Flouch
"‘Get Me To Work’ is a social enterprise that partners with local colleges, training providers and young offender centres. We support young adult offenders or re-offenders with job training, new skills and employment. I believe through the process of sharing knowledge and talking to like-minded individuals with the same vision, we can bring a positive change to the borough of Croydon."
Email - Adrian SAmuda
"I volunteer for various grassroots community projects. I particularly support a local Domestic Violence voluntary organisation that has been helping Domestic Violence survivors for over 10 years. I am very keen to represent VCS on this board because I want to collaborate and be part of breaking through the silence of Domestic Abuse and to tackle Domestic Violence in the early stages to prevent more serious issues from happening. I am a strong believer that working with and supporting offenders breaks the circle of offences from happening again."
Email - Sara Mohamed

"For ten years I have run Croydon’s specialist mentoring team, Ment4, supporting teenagers involved in crime, abuse, exclusions and vulnerable to trauma. I have worked with numerous Council officers and have represented the voluntary sector on boards for several years. I also founded the 'Parental Army (an association of organisations that support families affected by trauma and crisis) and I also help lead Croydon Youth Localities Partnership. I have been involved in leading anti-slavery campaigns and global commercial risk management. I am the founding member of the International Anti-Trafficking Group. My passion is to help the voluntary sector work well with the local authority and to be recognised for their devotion and expertise."
Email - Peter Stanley
"For ten years I have run Croydon’s specialist mentoring team, Ment4, supporting teenagers involved in crime, abuse, exclusions and vulnerable to trauma. I have worked with numerous Council officers and have represented the voluntary sector on boards for several years. I also founded the 'Parental Army (an association of organisations that support families affected by trauma and crisis) and I also help lead Croydon Youth Localities Partnership. I have been involved in leading anti-slavery campaigns and global commercial risk management. I am the founding member of the International Anti-Trafficking Group. My passion is to help the voluntary sector work well with the local authority and to be recognised for their devotion and expertise."
Email - Peter Stanley
"Croydon COVID-19 Mutual Aid (CCMA) is a network of local mutual aid groups operating in the London borough of Croydon. We are helping residents through the Covid-19 pandemic by carrying out simple tasks such as collecting shopping and medication, dog-walking, checking on neighbours and providing moral support. CCMA are also working with Croydon Voluntary Action, foodbanks, charities and Croydon Council to ensure all who need help during this crisis get it. I believe local residents should feel safe, secure and listened to. Since moving to Croydon, I have been actively involved in the local community. This has given me the opportunity to engage with, and learn from those who put the safety and security of their community as their number one objective."
Email - Ben Taylor
"As the chief executive of a youth charity championing the fight against knife crime and youth violence, I am pleased to represent the VCS on this board. Being able to share best practice, network, and form wider partnerships will enable us help and support even more young people."
Email - Magdalene Adenaike
"I am passionately committed to ending violence against women and girls, I have worked in the domestic abuse sector for 14 years. Bromley & Croydon Women's Aid has worked for over 40 years to tackle domestic abuse in the local community. As a survivor of domestic abuse, I strongly believe that I can bring knowledge and understanding of the dynamics and complexity of domestic abuse to this board. Along with other professionals sharing the same vision, we can bring about the change we need, enabling survivors' voices to be heard to make a real difference. Bromley & Croydon Women's Aid understands the importance that the voluntary sector plays in developing long-term and effective domestic abuse services, which are truly tailored to survivors' needs. Acting as an advocate in this forum is a great opportunity for the voluntary sector to be represented."
Email - Lucy Pleass
"I volunteer for various grassroots community projects. I particularly support a local Domestic Violence voluntary organisation that has been helping Domestic Violence survivors for over 10 years. I am very keen to represent VCS on this board because I want to collaborate and be part of breaking through the silence of Domestic Abuse and to tackle Domestic Violence in the early stages to prevent more serious issues from happening. I am a strong believer that working with and supporting offenders breaks the circle of offences from happening again."
Email - Sara Mohamed