CLIP (Croydon Local Intelligence Programme)

The CLIP was proposed as a way to facilitate and bridge a gap identified by a number of council colleagues that children and young people aged 8-16 who are coming to attention in communities and through the Youth Engagement team but were also not getting any support as they were also not reaching a threshold for Early Help services.

These children and young people are missing out on positive relationships with professionals who may be able to facilitate a change in behaviours that could move those children and young people onto better outcomes.

The CLIP is seen as an opportunity to make connections between a number of community and voluntary sector organisations who have a youth offer in the borough (including those funded by the council Community Fund and GLA Young Londoners Fund) and can accept referrals to work with young people and families in their communities.  This list is by no means exhaustive and organisations who can offer help are encouraged to get in touch.

There is a dedicated email address for contact and referrals : and you can read more about the programme by clicking on the links below and also download a referral form.

About CLIP

CLIP Flow Chart

CLIP Referral Form