LVN App Bringing Together Opportunities for Young People

The London Village Network (LVN) app brings together business, community and statutory youth services and opportunities in one, simple, easily accessible place for the benefit of 16-24 year olds.

LVN has identified a significant disconnect between the providers of many youth services and the audiences they are trying to reach. The reasons for
this are many and varied. Traditional methods of engagement are becoming less effective. The LVN app bridges the gap between agency and young people.

The LVN app:

  • Is an in-the-hand, real-time outreach tool for frontline staff
  • Brings all youth provisions across London together in one place
  • Has been developed, designed, tested and marketed in partnership with 250+ young
  • Londoners (including students at City&Islington College).
  • Is available free on i-tunes and Google Play

Download more information on the app by clicking on the links below.

LVN One Stop App

How to Upload Youth Opportunities

LVN Terms & Conditions

Yellow Pages for Youth Support