Vote for your representative on the Children and Families Partnership Board -Young people

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Copy of Femi Yasoof (27)
Soye Briggs, Palace for Life
"I have been working in the voluntary sector for 20 years. I have previously represented to the VCS in Southwark, Lambeth and Merton. I have a Social Work background in children and families, and for the last 15 years I have been operating at a strategic level. I have a good understanding and network across Croydon in regards to children and families and currently co-chair the North Localities network."
Copy of Femi Yasoof (24)
Jennifer McDermott, Cassandra Learning Centre
"Cassandra Learning Centre would like to work with children and young people at risk of sexual exploitation because we feel we could offer up a safe place for them to open up and share their experiences and access the relevant support."
Copy of Femi Yasoof (28)
Hayley Rea, Aim High Dance Academy
"I am interested in representing the VCS on this board as I have a decade of management experience in providing community services for young people, in Croydon and the surrounding area’s. Since 2007 I have provided weekly dance classes and holiday camps in Croydon and since 2014 I have been an Extended Services Manager in a Croydon school, developing all of the schools' extended services such as the Breakfast Club, After School Club and Holiday provision.
I have a strong community network through sport/arts and cultural activities, currently working with 6 Croydon Schools. My career within the community as a teacher has led to many different routes within youth services and has enabled me to have a positive impact on youth services, understanding what is required to establish, manage and maintain high-level governance within youth services, in order to provide the best possible service for the whole community. My day-to-day role requires me to assess sport/play services in the education and the care sector, providing feedback and guidance on legal requirements. I have experience in multi-agency networking, bringing organisations together and I understand the importance of having good communication amongst different organisation’s and how to do this effectively.
The skills I will be able to apply to this role would be, management skills, knowledge of youth provision, community providers and the educational sector, ability to communicate well, knowledge of legislation, experience of Ofsted requirements and creativity."
Copy of Femi Yasoof (26)
Karen Stott, Off the Record
"I have worked in children and young people's mental health services in Croydon for almost 30 years so I have a strong background and understanding of the issues relevant to these Boards. I am also experienced at representing the VCS on these boards and have a strong commitment to ensuring our voices and perspectives (and those of the children, young people and families with whom we work) are kept to the forefront in strategic discussions and decisions."
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