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- 22.02.16 ccat
- LawWorks Not-For-Profits Programme
- 05.02.20 report templates
- 30.08.17 finances trustees
- covid-19 news
- parents children special needs
- Volunteer Involving Organisations
- Hire a Venue
- Tree Planting Day at Canterbury Road Rec
- We have office space for hire at the CVA...
- Croydon Council is consulting on their...
- Clarion Futures Digital Grants Programme is now...
- Action needed for a more inclusive, equal and...
- Superhighways announce new app and small...
- Mental Health in South West London - first...
- CSCP Publishes Serious Youth Violence Thematic...
- Children and young people and their health and...
- Free opportunity to analyse organisational...
- Free opportunity to analyse organisational...
- The Unpaid Carers Project's information and...
- Displaced Children's Education and Wellbeing Fund
- Outreach funding opportunity - to support young...
- RM Partners Cancer Awareness Grants Programme...
- CVA's bid for MyEnds funding has been successful!
- London CVS Network Impact Report published
- This week marks Dementia Action Week 2024
- Get ready for Volunteers' Week
- Household Support Fund is now open to applications
- Free Digital Pioneer Fellowship programme,...
- Celebrate Volunteers’ Week with us
- NHS Immunisation Funding
- Croydon Loves You is back!
- An open letter to parliamentary candidates
- Community Days
- Financial and formative support for health and...
- Suicide Prevention Awareness Training
- Healthwatch Croydon survey
- Resources and space to connect for youth...
- CVA's statement in light of the disorder and...
- health and social care organisations recruiting...
- Extension for programme tackling food insecurity
- Are you interested in running a Community Base
- Developing a Civil Society Covenant
- Do you manage or organise volunteers in Croydon?
- Croydon community organisations will be...
- Household Support Fund is now open for...
- Family Hubs newsletter publishsed along with...
- Apply for small grants to tackle health...
- 2023/24 news items
2022/23 news items
- care homes croydon
- temp accom
- wk of prayer
- help to grow 2022
- cvsa feb 22
- Apply now for the Mayor of London Leadership...
- care homes
- comm tech support
- char digital
- nhs web
- MyEnds
- vodafone
- sayer vincent
- James Moore finalist for Award
- bleed control kits
- good to grow 2022
- CROYDON VOLUNTARY ACTION - Statement of Purpose
- pic
- croy mencap
- harlow hall
- Funding for VS groups to champion COVID vaccine
- In support of our partners
- walk and talk
- nfl
- broad green in bloom
- for better
- pathways econ
- tc licence offer
- soc prescribing
- Inviting Expressions of Interest to host a...
- Read the VCS Community Manifesto
- Join the Croydon wide campaign to counteract...
- New Community Hub in Croydon North West
- Community Hub grants: awarded groups
- Warm spaces in Croydon
- Employability services in Croydon
- The Reset: Croydon Council's relationship with...
- Money management and debt advice support in...
- Office space available on Franklin Way,...
- Be part of Croydon Community Lottery
- Croydon’s London Borough of Culture 2023 events
- Easter Holiday Activity and Food programme
- Croydon Community Lottery gets green light
- Join our session about online fundraising
- South West London Mental Health strategy
- NHS South West London Green Plan
- Diversity Matters Project: bringing change to...
- Localities Commissioning Fund - 17th July '23...
- Dementia Pathway Experiences in Croydon Report
- Diversity matters in our Met Police Service
- Mental Health Support for Young People training
- Changes to cancer treatment for children
- Resource Centre conference room & training room...
- Croydon, the Community Hubs capital in the UK!
- Floating Counselling Community has been awarded...
- CVA Strategic Plan 2024-29
- Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence support in...
- This week is Trustees’ Week
- The NHS Winter Engagement Fund
- #Croydoncares winter campaign is asking...
- One Croydon's Local Community Partnerships...
- Office space for hire
- Our Winter Warmth Drive
- Easter Summer and Christmas HAF Programmes -...
- Family Hub launch at Woodlands Children's Centre
- Have your say! Croydon Council is consulting on...
- sthn rail bike
- fraud resources
- giving world resources
- age uk resources
- benefits covd-19
- mosque res
- tfl poster res news
- wellbeing res
- ncvo gov res
- legal advice res
- diff languages res
- essential trustee res
- skills res
- slam corona res
- AGE UK Croydon
- apprentice res
- support charities res
- covid guidance res
- save charities webinair res
- virt fundraising res
- ppe hub res
- free images res
- ramadan res
- jrs res
- individual funding res
- bus funding res
- fund dom viol res
- legal advice fund res
- funding support cva res
- slavery res
- bus grants res
- recruit virt res
- gvmt guidance
- EID 2020
- dorman accounts res
- dom abuse fund
- HumanRightspresentationcovid
- schools summer food
- insolvency and governance
Local News
- cva centres access
- sainsburys lcl news
- rasasc local news
- age uk sup cl news
- utility support lcl news
- travel supp lcl news
- money advice debt lcl news
- faith ldr lcl news
- dasv lcl news
- lcl hosp lcl news
- gas elec lcl news
- homeless lcl news
- dwp lcl news
- met update news
- com sup na lcl news
- princes trust lcl news
- mutual aid lcl news
- cscb safeguard lcl new
- dig supp lcl news
- cva relief fund lcl news
- hostel priddys lcl news
- selsdon contact lcl news
- clc meals
- playplace
- scrubs lcl news
- selsdon contact 2 lcl news
- posit dir lcl news
- croy people first
- loss project lcl news
- otr lcl news
- dom abuse help lcl news
- epec lcl news
- cc response lcl news
- tgc funding lcl news may
- pcc lcl news may
- etf lcl news may
- eldon house lcl news
- scammers lcl news
- Update from Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care Team at...
- selsdon new kitchen
- 04.06.20 cpf
- self isolating cc
- Refugee Week 2020
- foster refugee
- croydon champion
- croy yeah
- cp fesitval
- cva covid report
- funded mental health first aid training
- time capsule
- croy mencap yvonne
- creating conversations
- selsdon food hub july
- fltng counselling
- roundabout
- july croy people first
- Full news listings
- healthy activities
- ofc report feedback
2019 News Stories
- January 2019 news stories
- 2019 Newsletter Attachments
- February 2019 News Stories
- March 2019 News Stories
- April 2019 News Stories
- May 2019 News Articles
- June 2019 News Stories
- July News Stories
- Copy of January 2019 news stories
- August News Stories
- September 2019 News Stories
- October 2019 News Stories
- November 2019 New Stories
- December 2019 News Stories
- Mailchimp Links
- CroydonVCSReps2021
- World Mental Health Day
- South West London Mental Health Strategy
- Crowdfunding, have you tried it?
- Community Action for Partnership in Health...
- 2024 GSK IMPACT Awards & new GSK Health...
- CVA Croydon's Rough Sleepers training Session
- Survey of young People by the North East Local...
- Mental Health Support for Adults in Croydon
- Employment Support for Croydon’s Unemployed...
- Emergency Duty Team Cover and Key Information
- Bereavement, Grief and Loss
- Healthy Start Scheme Training
- Key Principles in Responding to Sexual...
- Apply for small grants to tackle health...
- New co-chair for the Local Community...
- Funding opportunities
- Exploring Sustainability at the South Norwood...
- Supporting young people struggling with food...
- Building Community Resilience: Tackling Food...
- New ways of working in the South West London...
- Looking for VCSE representatives for South West...
- Spring Grant Fund 2025
- Nominate your hard-working trustee volunteers...
- South West London's first ever Health Research...
- Annual South West London Mental Health...
Have your say
- Local Strategic Partnerships
Health and Wellbeing - Sub Groups
- Children and Families - sub group
- Safer Croydon Partnership - sub group
- Croydon Safeguarding Children Board - sub groups
- Stronger Communities Partnership Board
- Children and Families Partnership Board -...
- Croydon Safeguarding Children Board
- Children and Families Partnership Board - SEN...
- Children and Families Partnership Board -Young...
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